
Minimally Invasive Surgery


The aim of minimally invasive spine (MIS) surgery is to stabilize the vertebral bones and joints and alleviate pressure on the spinal nerves, which is often caused by conditions like spinal instability, bone spurs, and herniated discs, scoliosis, or tumors. Minimally invasive surgical approaches can be quicker, safer, and require less recovery time than open spine surgery. The possible advantages are as follows: Less damage to the muscles and soft tissues (when opposed to open procedures): Skin incisions that are smaller produce better cosmetic outcomes (sometimes as small as several millimeters)

  1. Surgery results in less blood loss.
  2. Since less to no muscle cutting is needed, there is a lower risk of muscle injury. There is also a lower risk of infection and postoperative pain.
  3. Surgery recovery is quicker, and healing is less time-consuming.
  4. Since surgery, there is less dependence on pain killers.

Furthermore, some MIS procedures are conducted as outpatient procedures with only local anesthesia, reducing the chance of a negative reaction to general anesthesia. There are risks associated with any surgical operation, no matter how minor, which include, but are not limited to:

  1. Anaesthetic side effects are a possibility.
  2. During the operation, there was unexpected blood loss.
  3. No matter how small the incision region, localized infections may occur.

And, although it’s rare, there’s always the possibility that the initial MIS surgery will fail, necessitating either a second operation or full open surgery.

Aging, poor body mechanics, sudden trauma, tension, and structural anomalies can all damage the spine, resulting in back pain as well as other symptoms, including leg pain, numbness, and even leg weakness. Chronic back pain necessitates the consultation and treatment of a spinal neurosurgeon. Before deciding on spine surgery, you should consider other options in Lucknow if they are open. This investment in time and appropriate data will help you make informed treatment decisions that will better maintain your lifestyle and desired level of physical activity.